Barcelona aposta pel talent i la innovació com a pilars de la nova economia
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null Barcelona aposta pel talent i la innovació com a pilars de la nova economia
Barcelona commits to talent and innovation as pillars of the new economy
The government measure ‘Barcelona, a city of talent’ considers boosting digital talent a priority, in response to the rise in employment demand in the IT sector
Barcelona, 10 Nov 2020
To attract, retain and develop talent is an essential factor of competitivity. As such, it has been highlighted as one of the priorities of the city’s new economic agenda in a recent strategy from the municipal government. As a result, the new government measure ‘Barcelona, city of talent’ has been introduced.
Out of the different actions taken, boosting digital talent in the city is highlighted as one of the main focal points, as the IT sector has generated more than 20,000 jobs since 2012. In this context, Barcelona Activa’s Cibernàrium has been promoting technological capacities and ICT training for more than 20 years, with a vast range of training courses for all.
Especially with the IT Academy, Cibernàrium responds to the undisputable need to expand the labour market within the IT sector by offering long-term training courses in web programming, which add up to more than 400 regular activities and 100 permanent online courses.
In the field of vocational orientation, Barcelona Activa offers, among other actions, the Career Plan Project – a professional training programme for young students. The mission is to give support to young people in decision-making and to facilitate the development of their future professional careers.
The new measure also includes actions which directly benefit girls and women; for girls, STEAM activities which aim to awaken scientific and technological vocation; and for women, activities to strengthen professional and entrepreneurial skills, as well as directive abilities. This is precisely the objective of LIDERA, the growth and networking environment for women. The programme was launched with the objective of generating more employment opportunities for the women involved, linked to values which promote gender equality and the inclusion of women in the business world.
With the intention of being able to gather more ideas and to boost policies which actively attract talent, the measure was shared this October – both virtually and face-to-face – with the city’s economic, social and academic agents, as well as the Commission for Economy and Finance.