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null Barcelona Activa i EOI llancen el programa Reskilling Idiomes

The EOI in collaboration with Barcelona Activa open the Reskilling Languages programme for September 2024 with free English, French and German training.

Barcelona Activa and the EOI launch the programme Reskilling Idiomes

The EOI in collaboration with Barcelona Activa open the Reskilling Languages programme for September 2024 with free English, French and German training.

Barcelona, 08 Aug 2024

Barcelona Activa and the Escola Oficials d'Idiomes (EOI) have launched a new edition of the Reskilling Idiomes ​​programme for September 2024. This initiative, crucial for sectors such as tourism and hospitality, offers free training in English, French and German, as well as English for specific work areas.    

The courses, mostly online, include general options of 100 hours and specialised options of 50 hours, with preparation for official English exams of 30 hours. Participants will be able to choose the level and language that best suits their interests and knowledge, with official certifications attesting to language proficiency.  

Registrations will take place in two calls: from the end of June to the middle of July, and from the middle of August to the beginning of September. People in a situation of unemployment or ERTE will be prioritised, offering a unique opportunity to improve language skills and increase their chances of employment. 

This programme responds to the growing demand for language skills in the Barcelona labour market, allowing citizens to better adapt to the needs of the sectors with the most demand and improving their professional prospects. 

You can pre-register and find more information about the program at this link