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null Barcelona Activa strengthens its presence in Sants-Montjuïc

Bloc4BCN, a Can Batlló, acull el nou espai de referència per a la promoció econòmica, l’ocupació i la capacitació tecnològica al districte 

Barcelona Activa strengthens its presence in Sants-Montjuïc

Bloc4BCN, in Can Batlló, hosts the new benchmark space for economic promotion, employment and technological training in the district

Barcelona, 21 May 2024

Sants-Montjuïc Activa is located in Bloc4BCN, the new centre for the promotion of Cooperatives and the Social Economy of Barcelona located in Can Batlló. Barcelona Activa has already deployed services and activities in the new Sants Montjuïc Activa facility. The space aims to become the benchmark for the economic promotion and employment of the district.  

With this new Activa space, we centralise and expand the services of Barcelona Activa in the district and expand them with other services for the whole District following the municipal strategic line focused on reactivating its socio-economic fabric.   

The proximity satellite includes different types of advisory services on employment. On the one hand, the Information and Guidance Point offers a first contact regarding the most suitable employment resource according to the case. On the other hand, the Guidance Itinerary Service is focused on guaranteeing individual support in the job search process, reinforcing the proposed activities of the Barcelona Work programme. 

For people with entrepreneurial ideas or projects already started, there is an Attention Point for Economic Activity to start up a business, with access to resources to make a business plan, support in planning, business consolidation and the search for financing.  

Services that complement the Labour Rights Defence Point, which offers individualised attention and group sessions in the field of labour rights.  

ICT training capsules will also be organised at the Cibernàrium to start and advance in knowledge of the Internet and the various technological tools.  

In addition to the Sants-Montjuïc Activa's offer, in Bloc4BCN, Barcelona Activa also organises training activities and advice from the Social Economy department, aimed at entities, organisations and cooperatives.