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null Nou Barris Activa

Nou Barris Activa

Municipal facility with resources of Barcelona Activa for guidance and job search, located in Nou Barris.

The municipal facility with resources of Barcelona Activa for guidance and job search, located in Nou Barris.

It is a new municipal space for economic promotion and employment aimed at the population of the Nou Barris district. The facility has an Information point for Orientation and the search of Employment and another for the defense of Labor Rights. It also offers information sessions and training for employment and orientation for a professional change. In addition, there is a space with computers for self-use and personalized accompaniment for the job search.

Finally, there is a point of Attention to Economic Activity, for those who have a business idea or want advice for their company.

Opening hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:30am to 3pm.                                                                                              Wednesday from 8:30am to 6pm.

Carrer Vilalba dels Arcs, 39, 08042 BARCELONA 

Porta Nou Barris Activa