Barcelona Activa, socially responsible

Barcelona Activa’s Social Responsibility policy focuses on integrating economic, ethical, social and environmental management within the organisation, prioritising dialogue with stakeholders to create long-term shared value.

One of the relevant points of this Social Responsibility policy is the commitment to reducing inequalities, supported by the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the development of cross-cutting actions within five strategic axes: Good Governance, People, Community, Value Chain and Environment. 

To make Barcelona a benchmark city for working, starting up and living with social and environmental values. 

Mission: To promote quality employment, entrepreneurship, business competitiveness and the diversification of the productive fabric to achieve a sustainable, inclusive and fair economic model. 

  • Equal opportunities and social progress
  • Spirit of public service, professional and personal ethics.
  • Economy at the service of people: social and sustainable.
  • Cooperation, within the organisation and with others.
In accordance with the vision, mission and values, as well as the corporate purpose of fostering, facilitating, promoting and boosting all kinds of actions that generate employment and economic activity, the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of Barcelona Activa establishes the following bases of socially responsible action as a benchmark framework for the internal and external activity of the organisation:
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Good governance

  • Commitment towards ethical and transparent management, fostering of own values, standards and good practices. 
  • Ensure the efficiency and quality of the services provided, as well as an annual communication of indicators that allow the evaluation of the final social and economic impact of the programmes and services. 
  • Ensure compliance with Law 11/2018 on non-financial information and diversity through the GRI methodology and the principles of materiality, comparability, exhaustiveness, sustainability context and active participation of interest groups.
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  • Ensure compliance with, and optimise the organisation's internal values in terms of equality and diversity, reconciliation, time management, health, occupational safety and training, promoting a quality work environment to encourage the motivation and well-being of employees.
  • Actively promote and encourage digital transformation: Quality, agility and efficiency through a sustainable development model. 
  • Foster a data culture, expressed in all service and management processes. Promote excellence in management, service improvement and innovation by facilitating access to advanced data analysis techniques. 
  • Promote the organisation's commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda, as well as strengthen its deployment and action in order to actively contribute towards an inclusive and sustainable development model integrated into the actions of Barcelona Activa. 
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  • Guarantee the quality of the services provided, ensuring the satisfaction of the beneficiaries, the territory and the positive social impact of the activities carried out.
  • Protect groups in vulnerable situations and facilitate their access to municipal services, as well as to quality employment.
  • Commitment to the evaluation and analysis of the impacts generated by our activity, transparency and dialogue with interest groups in order to ensure an offer of optimal services provided and adapted to the needs of users.
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Value chain

  • Commitment to managing the supply chain from suppliers and providers to beneficiaries, taking responsibility for contracting socially responsible suppliers and providers with integrative policies linked to sustainability, such as, for example, the use of local resources in order to reduce environmental impact, circular economy, actions linked to gender equality and/or promoting diversity. 
  • Commitment to economic sustainability: Promote equal opportunities, ensuring the elimination of access barriers within the framework of public procurement, as well as establishing sustainable and inclusive management that takes into account the needs of people and the territory. 
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  • Reduce the environmental impact associated with the organisation's activity, contributing to the fight against the climate emergency. 

Download Barcelona Activa’s annual CSR reports

We are part of:

Since 2018, Barcelona Activa has been committed to the United Nations Global Compact's Corporate Social Responsibility initiative and its principles on human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption.
