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The Sectoral Reskilling programme will train 2,500 people

The initiative is aimed at people looking for work or who want to improve their skills in key sectors in the city

The Sectoral Reskilling programme will train 2,500 people

The initiative is aimed at people looking for work or who want to improve their skills in key sectors in the city

Barcelona, 21 Jun 2024

During 2024, free professional training will be offered in specific areas. With a duration of between 6 and 300 hours depending on the course, the programme is aimed at people looking for work or to improve their employment. 

The training will mostly take place online or in the virtual classroom and do not require previous experience. The aim is to accompany the participants and provide knowledge and skills that make them more competitive in the labour market.  

Barcelona Activa, with the support of entities such as the Port of Barcelona, ​​Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB), the Municipal Institute of Persons with Disabilities (IMPD), Mercabarna and the Ministry of Education, among others, reaffirms its commitment to the promotion of employment and quality vocational training for all citizens of Barcelona. 

You can see all the training in the Sectorial Reskilling programme at its link.  

Noves formacions per a cooperatives al Bloc4BCN

L’espai cooperatiu de Barcelona organitza activitats per liderar el creixement d’una alternativa econòmica a la ciutat

Noves formacions per a cooperatives al Bloc4BCN

L’espai cooperatiu de Barcelona organitza activitats per liderar el creixement d’una alternativa econòmica a la ciutat

Barcelona, 19 Jun 2024

El Bloc4BCN, el nou centre de promoció del Cooperativisme i l’Economia Social de Barcelona ubicat a Can Batlló, compta amb 4.500 metres quadrats destinats a potenciar l’economia social a la ciutat. L’equipament allotja una quarantena de projectes i també disposa de despatxos compartits, sales de reunions i aules de formació. 

Durant l’estiu, al Bloc4BCN s’organitzaran activitats per al creixement de les cooperatives de la ciutat. Per exemple, se celebraran sessions per aprendre com presentar-se a subvencions, tallers per conèixer eines digitals de gestió interna i de planificació econòmica i també xerrades per informar-se sobre el marc jurídic i legal. 

El nou centre de promoció del Cooperativisme i l’Economia Social també acull Sants-Montjuïc Activa, un espai que inclou diferents serveis d’assessorament per a l’ocupació. L’equipament agrupa serveis d’orientació professional, un Punt d’Atenció a l’Activitat Econòmica, un Punt de Defensa dels Drets Laborals i s’hi faran càpsules de formació TIC del Cibernàrium. 

Coneix tot el que ofereix el Bloc4BCN per fer créixer les cooperatives en aquest enllaç

New conferences to access the labour market

Barcelona Activa organises activities and networking sessions for people looking for work in strategic sectors

New conferences to access the labour market

Barcelona Activa organises activities and networking sessions for people looking for work in strategic sectors

Barcelona, 26 Apr 2024

The month of April comes to an end full of conferences on how to look for work in strategic sectors. Barcelona Activa has held activities related to industry 4.0, cleaning, maintenance and surveillance services and also services to companies. 

The events are complemented by specific networking spaces, such as the one that took place last Monday on the tourism of meetings and congresses. This week, sessions were also organised on how to look for work in the sectors of care and of e-commerce and a session about work in companies with a social purpose.  

In addition to the training activities, conferences are held that include roundtables with the participation of representatives from key companies in strategic sectors. Various onsite and virtual sessions are also organised on labour market trends, to discover the most sought-after profiles and skills and detect the best channels to find work in strategic sectors of the city.   

Furthermore, Barcelona Activa has promoted the Talent map, a tool that shows the status and professional mobility in the city. The training, the link with the economic areas and even the movements with other cities are analysed. Among others, the map also provides information on the sectors in which talent works and which are undergoing the most growth. 

If you want to find out about all the conferences on access to the labour market, you can find them by date in the calendar at this link

Barcelona, capital of gazelle companies

The MediaTIC building hosted the presentation of the Observatori d'Empreses Gasela (Gazelle Business Observatory), which analyses companies with high growth potential in Spain

Barcelona, capital of gazelle companies

The MediaTIC building hosted the presentation of the Observatori d'Empreses Gasela (Gazelle Business Observatory), which analyses companies with high growth potential in Spain

Barcelona, 05 Apr 2024

Yesterday, the Cibernàrium Auditorium of the MediaTIC building became the venue for the presentation of the Observatori d'Empreses Gasela (Gazelle Business Observatory). A report promoted by the Fundación Cotec para la Innovación and the Universitat de Sevilla which analyses the evolution of small companies that have grown in a short time in the Spanish state

The concept includes small businesses that double their size in a short time, starting with at least 10 employees and growing above 20% for three consecutive years. The study analysed the characteristics of the 5,200 high-performing companies in Spain between 2019 and 2022. In this period, Barcelona had 348 businesses that are considered gazelles. 

As part of the presentation, it was highlighted that more than 40% of the city's gazelle companies have passed through Barcelona Activa. A fact that shows that the public sector has joined the private sector to welcome business initiatives that have talent as a common denominator. 

The 2024 edition of the Observatory has focused on analysing the weight of innovation-intensive businesses compared to the total number of companies of these characteristics. Among the data of the study, it’s worth highlighting that the 22@ district has become the area of Barcelona that concentrates the most knowledge-intensive gazelle companies.    

You can consult all the information and data of the Observatori d'Empreses Gazela 2024 at this link

The service for international talent has reached 2,000 users

Barcelona has been chosen by the Financial Times as the European leader in attracting and promoting investments over cities such as London, Madrid, Berlin and Milan

The service for international talent has reached 2,000 users

Barcelona has been chosen by the Financial Times as the European leader in attracting and promoting investments over cities such as London, Madrid, Berlin and Milan

Barcelona, 07 Mar 2024

The Barcelona International WelcomeDesk has already supported nearly 2,000 people from 111 different countries. Two years after the launch of the service, the city's international talent welcome office attends an average of 300 new people every month. The area is promoted by Barcelona City Council, in collaboration with other key public and private agents.

The service aims to facilitate the arrival of international talent that has just landed in the city or is about to do so. The main applicants are usually highly qualified professionals, entrepreneurs and university students. In the two years of its history, the Welcome Desk has carried out more than 6,700 actions with newcomers in the city

The most common user profiles are those under 40, from outside the European Union and who have been in Barcelona for less than 6 months when they contact the service. In addition, the office has also become the municipal service for hosting teams from the Copa América Barcelona 2024.

Along the same lines, Barcelona Activa became the protagonist of the 4YFN fair at MWC24, leading the Barcelona Welcomes Talent roundtable. The session took place on 28th February at the Sabadell Stage of the Congress and focused on the recruitment and retention of digital talent in the city. The table included representatives of leading international companies in different sectors who explained why they have chosen Barcelona as a strategic point for the company.

In addition, Barcelona has consolidated its position as a European leader in investment attraction and promotion strategies. The prestigious Financial Times group has recognised the city as the best positioned European capital in the latest report on European Cities and Regions of the Future 2023/24, ahead of capitals such as London, Madrid, Berlin and Milan.

An excellence in which municipal work has been taken into account in the promotion of clusters in emerging areas such as supercomputing, artificial intelligence, health and biotechnology. The promotion of the start-up ecosystem and the recruitment of talent were also highlighted among the elements that the study has assessed.

Find out about all the services offered by the Barcelona Welcome Desk for international talent through this link  

Barcelona Activa works for gender equality

The agency presents the study 'Women and the labour market' to analyse labour inequalities in women's careers

Barcelona Activa works for gender equality

The agency presents the study 'Women and the labour market' to analyse labour inequalities in women's careers

, 08 Mar 2024

Barcelona Activa once again commemorates 8th March, International Women's Day, and does so by holding different events and with the presentation of the report Les dones i el mercat de treball.

The study describes the current image of the labour market in Barcelona in terms of gender, supported by figures on the evolution of the employment rate and the number of women affiliated to Social Security, among others.

The report presents relevant data from the end of 2023 on the most frequent types of contracts and the economic sectors in which they specialise. The situation of the glass ceiling and the wage gap is also observed and the causes of the feminisation of poverty are analysed. Among the most relevant data, it highlights the fact that last year, for the first time in history, more than 40% of the contracts signed by women were indefinite.

It also explains that at the end of last year there were already more than 610,000 women affiliated with Social Security in Barcelona, a figure higher than that of men, a record position in the historical series. However, the wage gap still stands at 17.1%.

With regard to entrepreneurship, it is noteworthy that women represent more than half of new entrepreneurs. However, the study's figures show that the feminisation of poverty is still evident. An example can be found where the percentage of wage-earning women in Barcelona who are paid one thousand euros or less is 30.1%, 4 points above men.

Beyond the report, Barcelona Activa will also commemorate 8M with the jurney #donesqueacompanyendones. From 10am, the Cibernàrium 22@ Auditorium will host an event focused on making visible the professional life cycle of women, highlighting the moments in which they are accompanied professionally by other women with the aim of improving their promotion in the labour market.

Barcelona Activa will commemorate International Women's Day with different activities and events

La agencia ofrece formaciones y encuentros de emprendimiento, empresa, trabajo y tecnologías en el marco del 8M.

Barcelona Activa will commemorate International Women's Day with different activities and events (spanish)

La agencia ofrece formaciones y encuentros de emprendimiento, empresa, trabajo y tecnologías en el marco del 8M.

Barcelona, 01 Mar 2024

El 8 de marzo está muy cerca, ya lo largo de estos días Barcelona se moviliza en esta conmemoración. Barcelona Activa, comprometida con la promoción de la igualdad de género, sigue liderando iniciativas innovadoras y transversales con el objetivo de impulsar las oportunidades profesionales para todas las mujeres. 

A través del programa LIDERA, la agencia fomenta el crecimiento de las mujeres en el mundo laboral, el emprendimiento y las empresas, proporcionando apoyo, formación y mentoraje. Al mismo tiempo, la formación desempeña un papel destacado en los programas especializados de Barcelona Activa sobre todo en áreas estratégicas como la tecnológica, gracias a iniciativas como la IT Academy

Esta visión transversal se refleja en todas las áreas de acción de Barcelona Activa, consolidando su misión de contribuir activamente a la construcción de una sociedad más justa e igualitaria. 

Para reafirmar esta apuesta, en la semana del 8M se impartirán actos y talleres con el objetivo de promover la igualdad de género: 

Miércoles, 6 de marzo a las 12h: Conferencia “La Inteligencia Artificial y los sesgos de género en el mercado de trabajo”. Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Campus Ciutadella), Auditorio Mercè Rodoreda. 

Conferencia en el marco de la Cátedra de Política Económica Local de la UPF y el Ajuntament de Barcelona. Con la participación de dos mujeres expertas en la materia: Karina Gibert y Virginia Carreras. Inscríbete a la actividad a través del enlace

Miércoles, 6 de marzo a las 16h: 'Descubre el camino profesional de mujeres pioneras en sectores desafiantes'. Sala Emprèn, de Barcelona Activa. 

Mesa de debate para conocer y compartir las experiencias y testimonios de mujeres de diferentes generaciones que se están abriendo camino en sectores tradicionalmente masculinizados, como construcción, aeronáutica o ámbito marítimo. Accede a toda la información aquí

Miércoles, 6 de marzo a las 18h: Ciberfeminismo y open hardware: Sistemas abiertos para futuros tecnológicos alternativos. Auditorio Cibernàrium 22@. 

Masterclass sobre los enfoques ciberfeministas en las tecnologías abiertas, creativas, la cultura maker, el DIY y el open hardware. Para apuntarte, haz clic en el enlace

Viernes, 8 de marzo a partir de las 10h: Jornada 8 de marzo #donesqueacompanyenadones. Auditorio Cibernàrium 22@. 

En el marco del Día Internacional de la Mujer, se conmemorará el 8M con una jornada dedicada a visibilizar el ciclo de vida profesional de las mujeres, destacando los momentos en los que son acompañadas profesionalmente por otras mujeres con el objetivo de mejorar su promoción en el mundo laboral. 

En este acto se quiere dar valor al acompañamiento y apoyo que las mujeres reciben de otras mujeres en diferentes momentos del desarrollo de su trayectoria académica y profesional, y cómo influye en su percepción y empoderamiento. Apúntate a la jornada a través del formulario

Además, el alumnado del Taller d’Oficis participará en la jornada elaborando diferentes centros con flores lilas y amarillas para Barcelona Activa y realizando un diseño de iluminación para el teatro Ateneu Popular de Nou Barris, utilizando la misma gama de colores. 

Consulta toda la información LIDERA programada para las próximas semanas a través de este enlace, o únete a la comunidad de LinkedIn

Startups and technological talent meet again at 4YFN-MWC24

Barcelona Activa will form part of the 4YFN-MWC congress from 26th to 29th February to boost the city's entrepreneurial ecosystem

Startups and technological talent meet again at 4YFN-MWC24

Barcelona Activa will form part of the 4YFN-MWC congress from 26th to 29th February to boost the city's entrepreneurial ecosystem

Barcelona, 22 Feb 2024

The Mobile World Congress is back in Barcelona and is doing so again accompanied by 4YFN, the benchmark international trade fair for startups. In addition to celebrating the 10th edition of 4YFN, this year the city has consolidated itself as a European startup hub, as shown in the Startup Heatmap Europe, where Barcelona remains the third favourite city to promote a new start-up.  


Barcelona Activa will participate with the aim of supporting and promoting the ecosystem of emerging companies in the city. The agency will have a stand, located in Hall 8.1, which will include a space with 32 exhibiting start-ups incubated in the agency’s facilities or participants in programmes. 


The stand is designed to become the meeting point for the local and international entrepreneurial community. A networking space where you can hold meetings, share experiences and learn about new trends in the sector. It will also have a Food Corner space will free tastings from entrepreneurial projects arising from Barcelona Activa's food, innovation and tech programmes, such as Incapto, Honestly, Gotic Ferments, Sidra Lapplana or Vacka. 


During the 4 days of the trade fair, there will be activities on the recruitment and retention of digital talent and roundtables on financing, or about the deep tech sector. The exhibiting start-ups will also participate in different pitches in which they can present the projects they are promoting. 


Moreover, during the trade fair Beat Barcelona will be held, the official afterwork space to connect with Barcelona-style innovation. A space located in the gardens GG6 and GG7 of Hall 8 with talks, networking, roundtables and immersive experiences to learn about the city's culture, art and gastronomy. 


This Thursday, 22nd February, an event will also be held with the CEO of the company organising the Mobile World Congress, John Hoffman. The GSMA chief executive will give away 500 tickets to IT Academy and 42Barcelona students to attend 4YFN-MWC as thanks for highlighting local technological talent. 


Discover all the information about the presence of Barcelona Activa at the 4YFN-MWC through this link

Barcelona hosts the biggest audiovisual trade fair in the world

The ISE 2024 trade fair returns to the city and will have a joint stand with Barcelona City Council and the Audiovisual Cluster of Catalonia

Barcelona hosts the biggest audiovisual trade fair in the world

The ISE 2024 trade fair returns to the city and will have a joint stand with Barcelona City Council and the Audiovisual Cluster of Catalonia

Barcelona, 26 Jan 2024

Barcelona will once again become the international headquarters of the audiovisual sector between 30th January 30 and 2nd February. The city will host a new edition of the trade fair, Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) and Barcelona Activa will be present. It will form part of the joint stand that Barcelona City Council and the Audiovisual Cluster of Catalonia will share to support the audiovisual ecosystem of the city and the entire country. 

The two organisations will have their own space at the fair, stand CS224, located in the Congress Square area between pavilions 4 and 5 of Feria de Gran Vía. An area destined to become the showcase of local creative and audiovisual talent and the meeting point of the entire ecosystem. Job opportunities in the sector will also be enhanced, with a marketplace that will be held on 2nd February at 10:30 a.m.  

The stand will include a reception area and advice on municipal services and also an agora area with a video wall for giving presentations, holding meetings and other activities. In addition, there will be an area with an adaptation of the audiovisual exhibition from the OFFF Festival SOLSTICI”, created by the artists Bernard Arce, Foreal, Dedo Ciego and Maria Diamantes.  

There will also be 9 cutting edge companies that have enjoyed the services of Barcelona Activa and that will present innovative solutions related to virtual reality, interactive installations, 3D events and immersive experiences, among others. These include the start-ups Union AvatarsOnInOffBlitInmersiaMetacampusRoadmovieLOWKEYMOVESFeeder and JCS Disseny

In this video you can find out the main facts of the trade fair.  You can also find extensive information about the congress and about our stand at this link

Barcelona Activa boosts talent in the city

The agency organises activities for professional change and improvement and offers support services for talent recruitment

Barcelona Activa impulsa el talent a la ciutat

The agency organises activities for professional change and improvement and offers support services for talent recruitment

Barcelona, 06 Feb 2024

Promoting talent has always been one of the primary goals of Barcelona Activa. The agency has different support services for companies for the recruitment of professionals and also has activities that train citizens to face a change or an improvement at work. 

Regarding the resources offered, Barcelona Activa counts on the programa de gestió de talent programme of talent management, which supports companies and organisations to cover their needs with the most appropriate profiles. The service accompanies businesses throughout the process, from the identification of vacancies to the search for talent, pre-selection and candidate management. 

From the IT Academy we also offer a free-of-charge service for companies or start-ups looking for candidates who have been trained in Front-End, Back-End, Full Stack and data science. A space to connect the students of the programme with the organisations through the needs analysis of each business and a careful selection of the staff that best suits them. 

In addition, tools and activities are made available to citizens for guidance and professional change. Services that aim to promote employment and accompany people throughout their professional career through specialised sessions that prepare them for the demands of the labour market. 

In order to know the evolution and trends of the main sectors in which employment is created, Barcelona Activa also has the Mapa del talent de Barcelona, a tool that shows how the city's talent behaves in all dimensions. The instrument analyses work in the city from the point of view of training, links with economic sectors or movements with other cities based on the data offered by LinkedIn.

The audiovisual trade fair ISE 2024 closes with record figures

The largest audiovisual and systems integration congress in the world has closed its twentieth anniversary edition beating all records

The audiovisual trade fair ISE 2024 closes with record figures

The largest audiovisual and systems integration congress in the world has closed its twentieth anniversary edition beating all records

Barcelona, 07 Feb 2024

Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) 2024 has come to an end, full of records. The twentieth edition of the fair has beaten all previous attendance figures, visitors in a single day and company exhibitors. Barcelona Activa took part in it with a joint stand with Barcelona City Council and the Audiovisual Cluster of Catalonia.   

The international congress received nearly 74,000 attendees from up to 162 different countries. On 31st January alone, the ISE received more than 51,000 visitors, the highest figure reached in a single day. A record number of exhibitors was also reached, a total of 1,408, and the 82,000 square metres of exhibition space is the largest space in the entire history of the fair. 

If you want to recover everything that Barcelona Activa experienced at the fair, you can find it at this link. You can also see the event recap video and start preparing for next year's edition, which will be held between 4th and 7th February. 

LIDERA offers more seminars and programmes for starting up a business

The platform for women managers, professionals and entrepreneurs launches workshops and promotes a new edition of INICIA

LIDERA offers more seminars and programmes for starting up a business

The platform for women managers, professionals and entrepreneurs launches workshops and promotes a new edition of INICIA

Barcelona, 11 Jan 2024

LIDERA launches new activities and programmes for starting up a business in 2024. The benchmark support and networking environment for all women in Barcelona has been launched with new seminars and training workshops on digital entrepreneurship.  

An opportunity to improve business skills and competencies with specific courses on Web analytics, Creation of audiovisual contents, communication through social networks such as LinkedIn and Instagram and also website creation with Wordpress.  

The activity at the beginning of the year includes the launch of two calls from the INICIA programme, which offers training and support to projects driven by female entrepreneurs. The initiative, which already counts on 38 editions and more than 950 participants, helps promote business ideas from any sector. The programme will draw up a business plan and provide individualised tutoring and support in the search for funding. The new morning and afternoon editions of the programme will start in February, if you want to know more you can connect to the information session on 23rd January

There will also be a conference on 24th January, organised by the Asodame association and the Women and Business Commission of PIMEC, where the study: "The contribution of women to the Spanish economy" will be presented. A fundamental analysis that will give voice to the female contribution, with real data and proposals from a gender perspective. 

Find out about all the activities, conferences and entrepreneurship programmes offered by the LIDERA platform at this link

Can Batlló will host the new Bloc4BCN

The works are coming to an end for the building that will become the largest hub of cooperatives in Europe and will host around sixty projects

Can Batlló will host the new Bloc4BCN

The works are coming to an end for the building that will become the largest hub of cooperatives in Europe and will host around sixty projects

Barcelona, 24 Jan 2024

The Bloc4BCN has taken another step towards becoming a reality with the completion of the rehabilitation and adaptation works of the building. The space, of 4,500 square metres, aims to transform into the Centre for the promotion of Cooperativism and the Social and Solidarity Economy of Barcelona. The new public, cooperative and community project will come into operation during the first quarter of this year 2024. 

The space will host more than 60 transformative business projects and is part of the municipal goal of the Social and Solidarity Economy Strategy in Barcelona 2030. Technological and digital initiatives, attention and care of people, energy, housing, mobility, culture, tourism and sustainable textiles, local retail and sustainable food and agroecology will coexist together. 

Different Barcelona Activa services will also be developed in the building, such as a support space for the social economy and cooperatives to complement the needs of other Bloc4BCN resources. In addition, there will be the new proximity satellite facility of Sants-Montjuïc Activa, with spaces intended for labour insertion and guidance and the defence of labour rights.   

The works began in the summer of 2021 and the Barcelona City Council has invested 10.3 million euros to rehabilitate the old industrial warehouse, which it has loaned to the Associació Bloc4. An entity with the participation of the Confederation of Cooperatives of Catalonia, the Federation of Labour Cooperatives of Catalonia and the Coòpolis Association. 

The training programmes for young people have been renewed

Barcelona Activa has launched new activities and initiatives for the labour improvement and the professionalisation of young people

The training programmes for young people have been renewed

Barcelona Activa has launched new activities and initiatives for the labour improvement and the professionalisation of young people

Barcelona, 17 Jan 2024

Improve your professional profile, train in the sectors with the most labor demand, learn a new profession or master the latest technological trends. The services for young people in Barcelona, Joves Jo+ offer all these resources for the personal and professional growth of young people at the Convent of Barcelona Activa. 

We’re starting the year with new editions of training programmes for young people. In the case of Taller d’Oficis (Trades Workshop), it is an initiative that combines 6 months of internship and 6 months of employment contract. Itineraries are offered with the aim of professionalising you in different areas. Among those worth highlighting, are Barcelona for Nature, which has places available to train you in specialties such as environmental monitor, forestry work and floral decorator.   

With regard to Projectes Singulars (Singular Projects), these consist of courses aimed at people up to 29 years old who are looking for work. The programme offers training and direct contact with companies to help you define your career path. There are specialties in the food field with internships in municipal markets and local shops and also in sectors such as mobility, logistics, urban services or health sciences.   

All services for young people related to professional improvement are included in Barcelona Treball Joves (Barcelona Youth Work) a series of programmes and activities to enhance professional skills. It has sessions to prepare to look for a job, to learn about the labour market and where to find offers and also to guide professional interests. In addition, an advisory and guidance service and academic and professional guidance programmes such as the Projecte de Vida Professional (Professional Life Project) or to facilitate access to the labour market such as A prop Jove (Close to Youths).

In addition to the programmes, Joves Jo+ also has a wide range of online training, with online courses to enhance skills and improve the job search process. You can also access the specialised technological training of the Cibernàrium or the activities and courses for starting up and boosting your business with Barcelona Activa. 

The Saló de l’Ensenyament once again hosts the services of Barcelona Activa

The agency presents services for young people at the fair for academic guidance held between 13th and 17th March

The Saló de l’Ensenyament once again hosts the services of Barcelona Activa

The agency presents services for young people at the fair for academic guidance held between 13th and 17th March

Barcelona, 13 Mar 2024

A new edition of the Saló de l'Ensenyament (Education Trade Fair) has arrived and Barcelona Activa will once again be part of it. The benchmark fair for academic guidance presents Secondary School and Baccalaureate students with the opportunity to find out about all the current educational offers. The event is held between 13th and 17th March at the Montjuïc venue of Fira de Barcelona which last year exceeded 100,000 visitors.   

Barcelona Activa has a stand there from where it offers a taste of all the services it carries out at the Convent of Barcelona Activa. The agency disseminates services for young people focused on youth guidance, job search and knowledge of the labour market.  

In the space you can also receive personalised advice and guidance or sign up for service information sessions. There is also a self-access area with digital resources such as Professional interests Test, the Map of employment and training resources and the Key Skills Test. In addition, there will be a draw for 10 powerbanks among all the people who publish, on their social networks, a photo taken in the photo booth that will be at the stand. 

You can consult the press release for more information. And if you want to get to know the services and resources for young people offered by Barcelona Activa, you can find them at this link

329 places called for the new edition of the PICs

Els Projectes Integrals amb Contractació contribuiran a reforçar el manteniment i la neteja de l’espai públic i fomentaran el civisme i la convivència

329 places called for the new edition of the PICs

The Comprehensive Hiring Projects (PICs) will contribute to strengthening the maintenance and cleaning of the public space and will promote civic behavior and coexistence

Barcelona, 14 Mar 2024

Barcelona Activa and Barcelona City Council will launch the 2024 edition of the Comprehensive Hiring Projects  (PICs) with 329 places called. The new edition of the programme will be linked to the Pla Endreça, focused on improving the maintenance and cleaning of the public space. The first 127 plans will be launched during the month of April and the rest will be deployed from July. 

The PICs offer the possibility of working for a minimum of six months to people who are unemployed and have difficulty finding work. The participants will form part of an employment project of inclusive hiring and will work in places of the municipal entities that collaborate with the PICs. The programmes combine work experience with guidance, skills training and access to the labour market.   

In the 2024 edition, the link with the Pla Endreça will cause recruitment to reinforce the municipal brigades. In total, 263 places for programmes focused on the maintenance and improvement of the public space and 66 vacancies focused on civic behaviour and coexistence.  

Nou Barris will become the district where more public space improvement programmes will be deployed with 105 people, followed by Sant Andreu, Sant Martí and Ciutat Vella. Services focused on promoting coexistence will be deployed mainly in the Sant Martí and Eixample districts. 

If you want more information about the Comprehensive Hiring Projects, you can find it at link

Barcelona Activa connects companies in the tourism sector with people looking for work during B-Travel

The experiential tourism fair hosted a marketplace with businesses from the sector and people registered on the agency's job offers

Barcelona Activa connects companies in the tourism sector with people looking for work during B-Travel

The experiential tourism fair hosted a marketplace with businesses from the sector and people registered on the agency's job offers

Barcelona, 20 Mar 2024

The B-Travel trade fair has become the space that has hosted a new marketplace organised by Barcelona Activa. As part of the experience tourism congress, held at Fira de Barcelona, the agency has organised meetings between companies in the sector and people looking for work.

The conference was held on 18th March and had eight companies that offered up to 53 different vacancies, mainly in the restaurant and hotel sector. A total of 107 people registered in the municipal agency's job offers appeared for the interviews.

The participating companies were Derby Hotels, El Nacional Barcelona, Hoteles Catalonia, Hotel Hilton Diagonal Mar, Meliá Hotels, NH Hoteles, SB Hotels and Smart Rooms Company. They offered places to work as a cook, waiter, receptionist, room attendants, technician and maintenance officer, baggage porters

During 2023, the conferences between companies and people looking for work already incorporated 693 professionals into the labour market. Throughout the year, 1,045 contracts were obtained through the different offers managed by Barcelona Activa. In the coming weeks and until the end of April, a dozen conferences will be held with companies from different sectors.

Find out about the new marketplaces organised by Barcelona Activa over the next few days and weeks!

Spring arrives with a new sectorial training offer

The Forma't i fes-ho oficial (Get trained and Make it official) and Sectorial Reskilling programmes launch specialised courses to improve job opportunities

Spring arrives with a new sectorial training offer

The Forma't i fes-ho oficial (Get trained and Make it official) and Sectorial Reskilling programmes launch specialised courses to improve job opportunities

Barcelona, 26 Mar 2024

The Barcelona Activa programmes offer new courses with the arrival of spring. The agency launches calls for free and short-length professional training in sectors with high demand. The Forma't i fes-ho oficial (Get trained and make it official) and Sectorial Reskilling programmes offer specialised itineraries in different professions to promote work improvement. 

Forma't i fes-ho oficial aims to improve the employability of the participants and the preparation to access occupations with a future in the world of work. The initiative endorses the training with a certificate of professionalism. An official qualification recognised in areas such as creative industries, business and sports activities, food and smart advanced industry. 

The programme, promoted in collaboration with the SOC (The Catalan Employment Service) and the Barcelona Education Consortium, allows you to improve your professional qualification and learn a new trade. In addition to the classroom sessions, the itineraries also offer contact with companies and networking spaces with the sector, elements that guarantee a competitive advantage in the labour market. 

As a new feature, at the beginning of 2024, Barcelona Activa opened a new information point for the accreditation of professional skills. This free and online service is integrated into the Vocational Training and Qualification system and will make it easier for more people to obtain an official qualification that will allow them to improve their employability. For more information, you can consult the Press release. 

In addition to the certified training, you can also participate in the courses of Sectorial reskilling. The programme presents short-length itineraries in key economic sectors in Barcelona, given in educational centres or by experts in different specialties. There are specialties in sectors such as food and beverages, life and health sciences, commerce, blue economy, sports economy, visitor and restaurant economy, green and circular economy, industry 4.0 and logistics. 

The professional training completes a wide range of activities aimed at promoting job search and professional progress. You can consult all the activities at following link

The Cibernàrium hosts the 4th Digital Skills Congress

The conference focused on promoting digital autonomy and brought together leading personalities from the technological field

The Cibernàrium hosts the 4th Digital Skills Congress

The conference focused on promoting digital autonomy and brought together leading personalities from the technological field

Barcelona, 11 Apr 2024

The Digital Skills Congress celebrated its fourth edition with the presence of more than 500 attendees at Cibernàrium 22@. The event was organised in hybrid format under the heading "Digital autonomy throughout life".

The aim of the Congress focused on overcoming and eradicating the digital gaps that create social inequality, emphasising the need for everyone to adopt tools and knowledge to be able to live and work independently in a society that is increasingly technologically demanding.

The event counted on the participation of experts in the digital field. It included different methodological and technological virtual workshops, on prevention and training in childhood and adolescence, on how to tackle technological inequalities or on ICT and health, among others. The study Estudi sobre benestar digital (Study about digital welfare) was also presented, which focuses on the inclusion and fostering of critical thinking in relation to any technological issue.

In addition, the executive director of Strategic Sectors and Talent of Barcelona Activa, Sara Díaz Roig, highlighted the progressive importance of digital skills for companies, noting that one in four job offers are already digital, according to the report Digital Talent Overview.

Beyond organising and hosting the congress, the Cibernàrium offers a wide range of training proposals to help improve the citizens' technological training and job skills.

The congress was promoted by Barcelona Activa together with the Department of Business and Work of the Generalitat, the Open University of Catalonia and Blanquerna - Universitat Ramon Llull and with the support of Eurecat.

You can recuperate the activities that interest you most from the 4th Digital Skills Congress in the video and consult the decalogue of learning and conclusions of the conference at this link!

3IN Social, El Despertador and Persianes amb ànima, winners of the Camí de la Solidesa

The jury has awarded the three best participating initiatives in the programme to support SSE initiatives managed or led by women

3IN Social, El Despertador and Persianes amb ànima, winners of the Camí de la Solidesa

The jury has awarded the three best participating initiatives in the programme to support SSE initiatives managed or led by women

Barcelona, 12 Apr 2024

The eighth edition of the Camí de la Solidesa programme has come to an end after the celebration of the presentation of the awards to the winning entities. The jury awarded the cooperative 3IN Social, the entity El Despertador (The alarm clock) and the artistic initiative Persianes amb ànima (Shutters with soul) as the best projects of the programme.

Persianes amb anima is a community project of artistic creation that promotes the social and labour inclusion of women in vulnerable situations. For its part, the entity El Despertador aims to accompany people in personal and professional self-leadership processes. I3IN Social generates innovative projects and training with social and environmental impact with a focus on interculturality.

Camí de la Solidesa seeks to help consolidate organisations already established within the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), a strategic area of action of Barcelona Activa. The initiative offers support to strengthen organisations managed or led by women or those who are committed towards training female workers in positions of responsibility.

The programme aims to respond to needs identified in each participating project after an analysis with an expert. Training, spaces to share experiences and individual advice are offered. The itinerary will be taught in morning schedules with online and face-to-face sessions at Bloc4BCN.

To date, more than 230 women and 117 organisations have already travelled the Camí de la Solidesa. If you want to participate in the new edition of the Camí de la Solidesa which will be held between June and December this year, you have until 28th May to sign up!