Proximitat - Intro

Promoting Barcelona's local economy from the perspective of the diversity of its territories

Barcelona Activa is committed to an economic strategy that promotes local development and territorial rebalancing.

We work to guarantee a local economy rooted in the city's districts and neighbourhoods, which has a positive economic, social and environmental impact with a social return for the neighbourhood.

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Proximitat - Altres projectes

Espais activa

Nou Barris Activa Municipal equipment for economic promotion and employment aimed at the citizens of Nou Barris. Its aim is to bring Barcelona Activa's resources closer to the district's residents and to extend the coverage of actions for all its socio-economic agents: employment services and programmes, digital education, advice on labour rights and services to strengthen the commercial and business fabric and entrepreneurship.
Sant Andreu Activa A space for economic promotion and employment aimed at the residents of Sant Andreu, where different Barcelona Activa programmes and services are centralised, mainly in the field of employment.
Sants-Montjuïc Activa Barcelona Activa's equipment for employment and economic promotion of the territory and complemented with social economy activities.

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Proximitat - PDE Intro


New District Development Plans (PDE) 

The District Development Plans are roadmaps for local and proximity development that take into account the specificities and initiatives of each of the neighbourhoods of the city of Barcelona.

These plans describe and detail the socioeconomic development strategy of a district for the coming years.

Asset Publisher

District Development Plans (PDE)

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